
Automated Systems Tailored to Your Specifications and Budget

SSR specializes in modern automated radar processing and radar video dissemination. Whether integrated into your current system or built from the ground up, we work with you and your current equipment, boosting your effectiveness while ensuring the most affordable integration and operation possible.

Explore Radar Solutions

System Modernization

When sustaining existing radar systems becomes cost prohibitive and replacement components no longer exist, SSR can provide modern radar systems and ensure backwards compatibility with existing systems. SSR’s proven, low-risk approach both enhances capabilities and addresses technology obsolesce.


  • Increase radar system capabilities and performance
  • Ensure backward compatibility with exiting systems
  • Improve radar system reliability
  • Reduce radar system sustainment costs
  • Reduce overall system costs

Legacy System Integration

In cases where customers prefer to maintain their current radar, SSR’s solutions allow those radars to be brought into a modern C2 system, reducing the overall costs of the program by leveraging the existing infrastructure and components.


  • Integrate existing radar system into modern C2 systems
  • Improve radar system performance
  • Reduce overall system costs

Independent Radar Processing

Avoid duplication by tapping into and sharing interagency radar access. SSR connects into the radar at the source to perform independent radar processing and tracking, allowing support for multiple simultaneous missions without access to proprietary and classified data. With our solution, the same radar can support classified and unclassified systems, or even allow multiple agencies to share the radar without having to connect into each other’s network.


  • Utilize existing radar systems
  • Reduce overall system costs
  • Support multiple missions and agencies with same sensors
  • Connect radar to classified and unclassified networks

Automated Radar Processing

The radar environment is constantly changing with traffic, sea and atmospheric conditions, exemplified by the clutter-rich maritime environment. SSR radar processing cuts through the clutter, eliminating dependence on manual controls to ensure accurate target detection. SSRs automated radar processing dynamically adjusts to the prevailing local conditions, ensuring small target detection without the need for constant operator involvement.


  • Consistent radar performance in all weather conditions
  • Reduce operator workload, minimize radar interaction
  • Automated small target detection

Networked Radar Video Distribution

SSR connects systems between the analog and digital age. Through translating legacy signals to digital and integrating them into a common network interface, our solutions ensure efficient distribution of radar video as well as forward and backward compatibility of standards. As an added benefit, radar video can be sent into a virtualized environment where it can be processed independently to support multiple missions and agencies.


  • Efficiently distribute radar video over high speed and low bandwidth networks
  • Unique distribution mechanism to support radar processing in virtual networks
  • Provides forward and backward compatibility with a variety of distribution protocols
  • SSR continues to support next generation open radar video distribution standards including ASTERIX and NMEA OneNet

Contact us to learn how automated radar solutions can boost your efficiencies.

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