Information Exchange
and Interoperability

Turnkey Global Information Exchange and Interoperability

Through years of partnership with U.S. and international organizations at the federal, state and local level, SSR has developed turnkey information exchange and interoperability solutions designed to increase efficiencies, reduce unnecessary redundancies, and provide agencies with cost-savings.

Explore Information Exchange and Interoperability

Multi-agency Information Sharing

Share raw sensor, track, and intelligence data through SSR’s secure role-based access system. Ideal for use in supporting the National Preparedness System and other interagency safety and security goals, our system allows you to leverage partners’ systems to extend or augment local surveillance systems, minimizing capital investment. And where an agency cannot share externally due to the sensitive nature of the network, direct one-way connections are made at the sensor source.


  • Share raw sensor, track and intelligence data through SSR’s secure role-based access system
  • Leverage partners’ systems to extend or augment local surveillance systems
  • Minimize capital investment and operational costs
  • Supports the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) through IMDE-CSS and other standards for maritime information exchange.

GCCS and Tactical Datalink Track Integration

Installed on U.S. and allied nations’ ships, SSR’s radar processor and tracker integrate with existing onboard radars and sensors to develop and share local track information with remote systems. Sent and received over tactical data links, SSR’s track data can be used in interoperable C2 systems such as Global Command and Control System (GCCS), allowing forces to plan, execute and manage military operations for both joint and multinational operations.


  • SSR supports C2 interoperability
  • Installed on U.S. and allied platforms, sharing information through tactical data links
  • Turnkey solution for GCCS interoperability

Contact us to learn how turnkey global information exchange and interoperability can help you so more on budget and with increased efficiency.

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