Do you have any Lightning Protection recommendations?


Since radars are typically mounted at the highest point in a local area, they are extremely susceptible to lightning damage. The lightning will also travel down the Radar Cable and damage the PCRP. Taking the proper precautions to protect the system from lightning will help reduce these types of failures. A number of manufacturers provide all the necessary equipment for Lightning Protection, Grounding and Surge Suppression. A good online reference for Lightning Protection can be found at:

SSR Recommendations:

  1. Lightning Protection: Mount a lightning rod (aka air terminal) close to and above the scanner (outside the turning radius). Connect the rod to a heavy gauge downconductor and secure to the ground point.
  2. Grounding:
    1. Create an external single point grounding system. The grounding system should have a reliable, low resistance, electrical connection to the earth.
    2. Ensure the ground cable between the scanner and radar tower is securely connected. Ensure the ground cable between the radar tower and grounding system are securely connected.
    3. SSR does not recommend any in-line lightning arrestors for the Radar Cable. If there is a true single point grounding system one could connect the armor and shield of the cable to a ground bar where it enters the building. Note: If the system is not single point grounded this could cause a ground-loop.
  3. Surge Suppression:
    1. Power the PCRP through a UPS that is designed to protect against power surges.

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